Please read carefully babes

I do require 30% for all bookings to secure our date which is non refundable unless I cancel which is very unlikely then I’ll gladly return your deposit. Screening is required for all dates without screening or deposit I will NOT book you. This can be done by providing me with employment information by sending me your work email address containing your work id verified link URL linkedln profile,also please kindly send a photo id (passport,driving license )is required. Any fake documents id etc will have you automatically blacklisted.

I understand that this is personal information but it will be dealt with utmost discretion & care. Please use email address:


Available worldwide FMTY &TMTY

So at the moment I’m only available from Fridays from 19.00 Saturdays&Sundays all day, I only provide OUTCALLS !!!! Safety is important so PUBLIC meets ONLY Please do use email to assist with any enquires you may have & to book also.Please also give 1 day notice for all bookings as Im not based in London but can travel to London. NO SAME DAY BOOKINGS!!!!!!!!!!


I only welcome Clean Respectable gentlemen

As mentioned before I do take pride in how I look that includes my personal hygiene too so please I do expect the same from you. Please make sure you represent yourself with good personal hygiene.I always have gum to hand & I will also carry a small bottle of mouthwash with me so please DO NOT be afraid to ask every part of your well being needs to be clean &fresh.

Amongst other qualities respect is important I won’t tolerate any sort of abuse, negotiation of prices, barebacks or services that I don’t do. I’m polite individual who treats everyone with respect so I do expect the same from you any sense of abuse etc will automatically have your booking terminated there & then on the spot with no monies being returned to you


All deposits please send via paypal or bank transfer